APPRISE Projects

Commercial & Industrial Market Transformation Research & Evaluation

APPRISE conducted survey research to support process and impact evaluations of Alliant’s commercial and industrial energy efficiency programs. The programs included Nonresidential Custom, Nonresidential Prescriptive, and Agricultural Prescriptive. The surveys were designed to support program development and improvement.

APPRISE conducted a process evaluation to understand the contributions of Avangrid’s marketing programs to residential and non-residential customer participation in Avangrid’s energy efficiency programs. The research included in-depth interviews and surveys with program participants to assess the success of various marketing approaches.

The Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), a quadrennial survey of commercial buildings and related energy consumption, is conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy. In this project, we designed sample frames for the 1995 and 1999 CBECS. We conducted frame design research activities; designed the area and list frame development (including a targeting sample of newly constructed buildings) and sampling procedures, direct final listing, screening, and sample selection activities; and supervised the sample selection of new buildings included in the survey.
The Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), a quadrennial survey of commercial buildings and related energy consumption, is conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy. In this project, we consulted with Westat on the development of new procedures for the 2003 CBECS sample frame update.
Columbia Gas implemented a portfolio of Demand Side Management (DSM) programs in 2009 for its residential and small commercial customers. The Small Business Energy Solutions program is an energy efficiency improvement rebate program for small general service commercial customers. APPRISE conducted a process evaluation of this program to assess program performance issues and determine whether modifications to program design could result in improved performance. The evaluation research included review of program documents, analysis of market statistics, interviews with Columbia Gas managers and staff, interviews with program implementers, and review of other ratepayer-funded programs for the same customer segment.
APPRISE supported the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board in research on barriers to commercial and industrial customer participation in energy efficiency programs. The research included a survey with Connecticut businesses that focused on reasons for incomplete program participation, use of financing for energy efficiency investments, and support that utilities can provide to encourage increased program participation. Information from the survey is intended to be used to refine program marketing and potentially provide additional options to reduce barriers to participation.
The Connecticut Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA) Program provides energy-saving services for small commercial and industrial customers. APPRISE worked with KEMA on this evaluation research and developed a better understanding of how the program can reach a broader and wider set of customers.

The Data Mining Research included analysis of the program database and the eligible customer database. This research assessed which market sectors are highly represented among the SBEA participants over the last five years, which sectors are underrepresented and which are missing; determined how the market sector distribution of program participants compares to those of nonparticipants; characterized the mix of measures installed in the program; and explored predicted savings by sector.

The Low-Income and Limited English Study explored how to increase participation by small business owners who are low-income or have limited English fluency. The study contacted organizations in the state who work with these types of small businesses, characterized the businesses and assessed eligibility for the program, and determined whether the organizations were willing to facilitate participation of these businesses in the SBEA.

Con Edison’s Commercial & Industrial program provides incentives to organizations that install qualifying energy-using equipment or who complete energy efficiency projects in their facility. As part of the program, Con Edison maintains a network of Trade Allies that have completed projects in the program, including installation contractors, engineering companies, equipment manufacturers, and energy consultants. APPRISE supported a process evaluation of the program by conducting in-depth interviews with these Trade Allies. The interviews collected detailed information about the types of work the companies do, their experience and satisfaction with each aspect of the program, perceived barriers, and recommended areas for improvement.

APPRISE worked with a team to assess the performance of thirteen residential and small business energy efficiency programs offered by the Consolidated Edison and Orange & Rockland utility companies. The evaluation assessed how each energy efficiency program is operating and made recommendations for improvements to the implementation process. Specific information gathered via program participant and non-participant surveys included participant satisfaction, effectiveness of program marketing and delivery, barriers to participation, satisfaction with measures offered, and satisfaction with trade ally training programs.

Consolidated Edison’s Small Business Direct Install Program offers free energy surveys to evaluate lighting, ballasts, fixtures, HVAC systems, and other equipment and make custom recommendations for improved energy efficiency. The program also provides free installation of low-cost energy-saving devices, including CFLs, low-flow aerators, high pressure rinse sprayers, and water heater thermostat setbacks. Up to 70% of the costs of other upgrades are covered by this program. In support of the Impact Evaluation, APPRISE managed the recruiting and scheduling of participating customer sites for inspections and lighting equipment logging.

Consolidated Edison’s Commercial & Industrial program provides incentives to organizations that install qualifying energy-using equipment or who complete energy efficiency projects in their facility. The managers of the C&I programs were interested in learning more about the key market actors in the supply chain for C&I Ventilation and Air Conditioning Equipment to assist them in their program planning efforts. For this project, APPRISE worked as part of a team to develop a comprehensive inventory of the most important manufacturers, distributors, mechanical engineers, and VAC contractors in the Con Ed service territory. In addition, APPRISE is collected information from each market actor group through in-depth interviews to furnish Con Ed program managers with insights on how to engage each type of market actor in their programs.

The Federal Buildings Supplemental Survey collected building characteristics and energy data about 900 federally-owned buildings for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration as a follow-up to the 1992 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey. In this project, we supervised all aspects of the survey including sample design, facility screening, survey implementation, and survey processing. The sample for the project was selected from a database of Federal Buildings. The sampling procedures included the implementation of a multistage PPS design. The interview was a complex mail/phone/mail/phone survey, where a CATI instrument was used in the final phone contact. The survey was managed with an automated project management and sample tracking system.
As part of the Green Lights program, participants agree to submit reports on lighting upgrades so that EPA can estimate the total impact of the program. There was concern by EPA that not all lighting upgrades were being reported and that the reporting system was a burden to program participants. In this project, we conducted research to determine the satisfaction of program participants with program procedures, determine the level of underreporting, make estimates of unreported program accomplishments, and design an alternative reporting system. This research showed that the recognition received by Green Lights program participants was important for some participants. It also showed that detailed reports were overly burdensome for some partners. We developed a simplified data collection system and statistical models to estimate energy savings from the more limited data.
EPA initiated the Green Lights program to reduce pollution by accelerating the adoption of energy-efficient lighting technologies. EPA provided workshops to Green Lights participants to train them on assessing potential energy savings, finding a vendor for the lighting products, and financing the purchases. Interviews with workshop participants provided information on the value of Green Lights services to participating businesses and organizations.
The Commercial and Industrial Evaluation Contract (CIEC) Team has collaborated with the Massachusetts Program Administrators (PAs), Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) Consultants and the National Building Institute (NBI) to assess the levels of energy code compliance with various code provisions. The Code Compliance project was intended to perform code compliance assessment on active construction sites and to provide supporting data analysis for the development and implementation of energy code based efficiency programs. APPRISE participated in the development of the sample design and managed the recruitment efforts for on-site inspections of active constructions sites.
APPRISE managed a scoping study for the Supply-Side Market Actors Project. This study assessed the feasibility and efficacy of using Program Administrator (PA) program databases, commercially available business data sources, and targeted in-depth interviews to characterize the population of supply-side market actors, develop market actor sample frames, and implement market actor panels.
The Massachusetts Large Commercial & Industrial Evaluation is a multi-client, statewide project that aims to characterize adoption of energy efficient equipment and design and assess market effects. As part of the evaluation team, APPRISE provided advice, guidance, and expertise on the sample development, data collection, and analysis that was performed in characterization of the large commercial and industrial new construction market.

NYSERDA’s Agriculture Energy Audit Program offers no-cost energy audits and technical assistance for eligible agricultural producers in New York, including farmers, greenhouse operators, dairy producers, and other agricultural businesses. Program participants receive a comprehensive or targeted energy audit that examines facility energy use and equipment and provides recommendations for specific energy efficiency measures. NYSERDA is conducting a study to understand the direct and indirect impacts of the program from 2017 to 2021. As part of this study, the research team is conducting surveys with program participants to learn about their experience with the program, to document the installation of recommended measures, and to understand changes to energy consumption over time. APPRISE conducted surveys in 2019 and 2021 and is conducting additional surveys with more recent program participants. APPRISE will conduct multiple forms of outreach, complete telephone interviews, and implement specialized outreach to producers with multiple locations.

The Business Partners Program is an integration of three prior NYSERDA programs: Motors Systems, Commercial Lighting, and Building Performance and HVAC. The Business Partners program promotes the purchase and installation of energy efficient products and services by working with trade allies including building and systems contractors, distributors, vendors, designers and energy service providers. APPRISE conducted surveys of trade allies and end-use customers to assess market penetration and net program savings.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is conducting a study about the energy management practices, priorities, and needs of companies that operate in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. APPRISE supported this work with a baseline Continuous Energy Improvement (CEI) Survey that gathered information about the penetrations of CEI in industrial and manufacturing facilities in New York State. APPRISE conducted telephone interviews with management-level contacts to collect information on energy management attitudes, planning and implementation of strategic energy management, barriers to and interest in strategic energy management, and drivers in business decisions. The survey helped NYSERDA understand how these companies and facilities manage their energy use, what resources they have and they need, and how NYSERDA can design programs to assist these facilities in achieving greater efficiency and reduced costs.
NYSERDA’s Economic Development Growth Extension (EDGE) program develops partnerships with local businesses and organizations to identify potential energy and economic development projects and to link those projects with available NYSERDA funding opportunities. To support the 2015 process evaluation of the program, APPRISE conducted a survey with EDGE program participants. This survey was designed to identify effective methods to reach potential NYSERDA customers and to collect information about participants’ experience with the program.
NYSERDA’s Emerging Technologies and Accelerated Commercialization (ETAC) Program provides funding and support to building owners and technology developers who implement successful demonstrations of new energy-saving technologies. NYSERDA’s ETAC program is designed to increase adoption of emerging technologies in New York State, including energy efficient lighting and networked lighting controls. APPRISE conducted a survey with lighting end-users and a survey with lighting installation contractors to understand and characterize the adoption of solid-state lighting (SSL) in New York State. Both surveys collected information on awareness and use of new lighting technologies and the impact of several factors on lighting selection decisions. APPRISE developed the sampling approach, conducted the interviews, and prepared the final data for analysis.
APPRISE conducted survey research to support NYSERDA’s process evaluation of their Enhanced Commercial Industrial Performance Program (ECIPP). The ECIPP provides incentives to businesses for energy efficiency projects. APPRISE’s survey research assessed how clients learned about ECIPP, previous client experience with energy efficiency projects, previous client experience with the ECIPP, and client satisfaction with the ECIPP process.
NYSERDA’s Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation, and Protection (EMEP) Program aims to facilitate the communication of scientific and technological information regarding the environmental impacts of energy choices to inform public policy. APPRISE conducted surveys of EMEP’s policy maker, legislative, and environmental group contacts in support of the Process Evaluation. This survey research will aid EMEP in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the program.
The Existing Facilities Program (EFP) is a consolidation of two prior NYSERDA programs — the Peak Load Management Program (PLMP) and the Enhanced Commercial and Industrial Performance Program (ECIPP). The EFP offers prescriptive and performance-based incentives for energy-efficient upgrades to existing buildings. The EFP targets a range of customer sectors including commercial and industrial businesses, healthcare facilities, universities and colleges, state and local governments, and mission critical facilities such as data centers and communications facilities. APPRISE conducted surveys of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and end-users that will support estimates of program savings, free ridership, and spillover effects.
NYSERDA’s Flexible Technical Assistance Program (Flex Tech) is a consolidation of what were formerly the Flex Tech, Technical Assistance, and Energy Audit Programs. Flex Tech is designed to provide customers objective and customized energy information that will facilitate the implementation of cost-saving energy-efficient measures. APPRISE conducted survey research to support NYSERDA’s Market Characterization and Assessment, Impact, and Process evaluations of the Program. APPRISE conducted customer and contractor surveys for participating and non-participating market sectors to evaluate the program processes, assess the market climate, and establish estimates of energy savings that can be attributed to the program.
NYSERDA’s Industry and Process Efficiency Program (IPEP) provides incentives to offset the costs of projects focused on increasing productivity, increasing process efficiency, reducing waste, and reducing electricity consumption. The program focuses on key manufacturing sectors in New York. APPRISE surveyed both eligible end-use customers and technical service providers to gather information on customers’ and providers’ decision-making, awareness, and perceptions of energy efficiency opportunities.
NYSERDA’s Innovation Capacity and Business Development Program (ICBD) is designed to provide financial and professional resources to new businesses and entrepreneurs operating in New York State’s clean energy sector. The ICBD program supports NYSERDA’s clean technology Incubators, special Proof-of-Concept centers, and Entrepreneurs-In-Residence Program, all of which provide business development services to clean energy business start-ups. APPRISE conducted surveys with recipients of ICBD services and with other emerging market actors. Both surveys studied perceptions of market barriers and drivers, market trends, and market stakeholders. APPRISE designed the web instrument, conducted phone interviews, and prepared the final data for analysis.
NYSERDA’s New Construction Program provides non-residential customers with technical assistance services and capital-cost incentives for implementing energy efficiency improvements in new construction or in substantially renovated buildings. The technical assistance provides cost-shared analysis to customers and their design teams (Architecture and Engineering firms) to identify energy efficiency opportunities for their projects. The program is designed to encourage the incorporation of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green building features in the design, construction, and operation of commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.

APPRISE conducted survey research to support NYSERDA’s market characterization research for the New Construction Program (NCP) in 2008. This research gathered information from participating and non-participating building owners and participating and non-participating architecture and engineering firms to assess their views, experiences, and perceptions on a variety of topics related to program participation.

APPRISE conducted surveys in 2011 with non-participating building owners and design firms to assess awareness of NYSERDA’s program offerings and energy efficiency measures in the non-residential new construction sector in New York State, to develop baseline data for non-residential new construction in New York State, and to assess non-participant spillover effects of the New Construction Program.

NYSERDA is interested in working with Commercial Property Managers in the NYC region to identify ways to increase adoption of energy efficiency measures by building owners and building tenants in the NYC region. APPRISE conducted structured in-depth interviews with the major Commercial Building Property Managers working in the NYC region to develop a better understanding of their business models, document their current activities with respect to the delivery of energy efficiency services, and explore their interest in partnering with NYSERDA to reach out to their customers. Through this research, APPRISE was able to give NYSERDA a better understanding of the opportunities for and barriers to investment in energy efficiency measures by building owners and tenants, and the role that Property Managers could play in facilitating participation by their owners and tenants in NYSERDA programs.
NYSERDA is interested in working with Demand Response Providers in the NYC region to leverage the provider/customer relationship and increase the adoption of energy efficiency measures. APPRISE conducted structured in-depth interviews with the major Demand Response Providers working in the NYC region to develop a better understanding of their business models, document their current activities with respect to the delivery of energy efficiency services, and explore their interest in partnering with NYSERDA to reach out to their customers. Through this research, APPRISE was able to segment the Demand Response Provider market, identify those provider segments that presented NYSERDA the best access to new customers, and develop a strategy that NYSERDA could use to increase their penetration in the NYC market.
NYSERDA is interested in working with ESCOs (electric commodity suppliers) in the NYC region to leverage the ESCO/customer relationship and increase the adoption of energy efficiency measures. APPRISE conducted structured in-depth interviews with the major ESCOs working in the NYC region to develop a better understanding of their business models, document their current activities with respect to the delivery of energy efficiency services, and explore their interest in partnering with NYSERDA to reach out to their customers. Through this research, APPRISE was able to help NYSERDA segment the ESCO market and identify potential strategies for working with each market segment.
NYSERDA is conducting a review of program spillover effects generated by those not receiving incentives from NYSERDA programs. This cross-program evaluation effort will examine these effects in an attempt to quantify net-to-gross savings estimates. In support of this evaluation, APPRISE conducted surveys of program non-participants in the Commercial and Industrial sectors.

NYSERDA’s Innovation and Research Product Development activities invest in emerging clean energy technologies. These investments support the development of commercially viable technologies that can have transformative impacts in the market. This study examined the products NYSERDA supported between 2016 and 2020 to estimate the actual and potential market impacts of each product, to understand the extent to which products can benefit disadvantaged communities, and to identify barriers or catalysts to scalability. APPRISE conducted interviews with the product developers to document each product’s uses, commercialization, and impacts.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) supports initiatives to encourage commercial adoption of energy efficient technologies through demonstration and replication (R&D) projects. APPRISE conducted in-depth telephone interviews with R&D grant recipients to support a process and impact evaluation of the program. The in-depth interviews with Principal Investigators were designed to identify and estimate environmental benefits, cost-effectiveness, and other impacts. The interviews also collected process evaluation information including participant awareness of NYSERDA programs, effectiveness of program communication, adequacy of assistance provided by program staff, and efficiency of the funding process. The 2016 study examined projects completed between 2011 and 2013. A previous study conducted in 2013 examined projects completed between 2008 and 2010.
NYSERDA’s Research Development (R&D) Program supports the development and commercialization of innovative energy and environmental products, technologies, and processes. In 2008, APPRISE conducted a survey of firms that reported product sales and made recoupment payments based upon their R&D recoupment contracts with NYSERDA. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information about the products for which NYSERDA provided technical expertise and funding. The survey collected information on product benefits, sales revenue, sources and magnitude of investment capital, impact of NYSERDA funding on product development and commercialization, and total development and commercialization costs. The information will be used to evaluate the impacts and value of NYSERDA funding. In 2010, APPRISE conducted surveys of integrators, vendors and site owners involved in the development of R&D program-funded demonstration projects and worked on a Process Evaluation of the R&D program by conducting surveys of respondents and non-respondents to R&D program solicitations.

NYSERDA is conducting a study to characterize industrial and greenhouse facility energy usage and energy savings potential in New York State. In Phase 1 of the study, APPRISE is conducting data matching and screening to help build a comprehensive dataset of active manufacturing facilities in New York. This includes extracting and summarizing data from prior NYSERDA industrial studies, manually matching data from a purchased database of manufacturing companies to facilities that were included in recent NYSERDA industrial studies, and conducting online research to determine if facilities were eligible locations where manufacturing occurred. In Phase 2 of the study, APPRISE is conducting a detailed mixed-mode survey with over 1,000 facilities to collect information on facility energy usage, industrial equipment processes, and energy management practices. The findings from the study will allow NYSERDA to analyze and compare key manufacturing sectors, to understand energy needs for industrial facilities, and to identify energy saving opportunities.

NYSERDA’s Transportation Program provides funding to support new transportation technologies and approaches that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including renewable energy infrastructure, innovative public transportation designs, and traffic demand management approaches. The Program targets financial support for transportation product development, demonstration, and deployment throughout New York State. APPRISE conducted a survey with business participants and transportation companies to understand and characterize the New York State transportation sector. This survey collected information on the types of technologies in development, major actors in New York’s transportation market, and experiences with NYSERDA. APPRISE designed the web instrument, conducted phone interviews, and prepared the final data for analysis.
PGW’s CIER provides prescriptive rebates to PGW customers who purchase large commercial and industrial natural gas boilers and commercial food service equipment to encourage the purchase of the most energy-efficient units available. APPRISE conducted an impact evaluation and a market study for the program. The impact evaluation estimated the change in energy usage for program participants due to the program, evaluated the application rejection rate, frequency of measure installation, and measure-specific savings. The market study interviewed program participants and nonparticipants, installers, and distributers to understand how participants learned about the program, incremental costs for high-efficiency equipment, availability of high-efficiency equipment, sufficiency of current rebate levels, and how the program could be modified to encourage increased participation.
PGW’s CIRI provides incentives to multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial customers to install comprehensive energy efficiency upgrades. APPRISE conducted a market study and impact evaluation for the program. The market study included interviews with program managers, technical advisors, and program participants and nonparticipants to identify how PGW could improve marketing, participation, measure selection, and financing availability. The impact evaluation assessed installed measures, estimated energy savings, and made recommendations for how greater savings may be achieved.
PGW’s HECI provides incentives to home builders and commercial developers who build properties that save a specified percentage of natural gas. PGW provides offerings for single-family residential properties and for commercial, industrial, and multi-family properties. APPRISE conducted a market study of the program to understand the marketing efforts that have been most successful, the barriers to current program participation, the adequacy of current incentive levels, and opportunities to encourage increased program participation. The market study included in-depth interviews with program administrators and technical advisors, participants and nonparticipants who expressed interest, and architects and design build firms. APPRISE also conducted an impact evaluation to estimate the impact of the program on natural gas usage.
The Rhode Island Commercial Code Compliance Study estimated the statewide energy code compliance rate for commercial buildings, provided information on patterns of compliance and non-compliance, and identified opportunities for Rhode Island to achieve the goal of at least 90 percent compliance with energy codes. Baseline compliance was assessed through on-site visits to buildings built between 2008 and 2011. As part of the evaluation team, APPRISE led the building sample design and development using the F. W. Dodge New Construction Database, and selected a sample of buildings to be visited.
WE Energies has implemented a set of energy efficiency programs that target different segments of the commercial and industrial market (Prescriptive, Custom, RFP, New Construction, and Multi-Family). APPRISE conducted research to determine whether WE Energies can improve program performance by enhancing program marketing or refining program tools and/or incentives. The scope of work consisted of benchmarking research to determine whether WE Energies was underperforming in any market segments or energy-saving opportunities, program database analysis to document program statistics, and in-depth client and trade ally interviews to understand how well the program was working and whether there were changes in program design and/or implementation that could improve program performance.